Thursday, June 18, 2009

Are your clothes making you sick?

I was browsing for some information for our upcoming marketing brochures, and stumbled into this interesting article published by the STAR, dated May 12th, 2009.

This is a good wake-up call, as not many realizes that the usage of solvent-based dry cleaning can threaten the health of both the humans and environments. The culprit is Mr Perc, or should i call Mrs Perc? Perc(perchloroethylene) is the cleansing agent commonly used around the world, a solvent, that is.

At Dobi4u, our approach is to use Aqua-Based Wet Cleaning, a safer "dry cleaning" method which not only makes the white whiter, zero chemical smell, easier to remove water based stain and of course, environmentally free.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pelan Perniagaan untuk kedai dobi / Business Plan for laundry business

Berapa ramai diantara anda ingin menceburi dalam bidang perniagaan, tetapi takut akan risiko-risiko yang akan dihadapi? Salah satu cara untuk menguasai sesuatu bidang perniagaan dengan baik adalah dengan memulakan perniagaan dengan perancangan yang teliti. Disinilah fungsinya perancangan perniagaan atau "Business Plan"

Di sini kami sertakan sedikit panduan dalam menulis business plan.


  • Lokasi projek /keluasan
  • Latar belakang industri dan trend pasaran
  • Senario masa hadapan


  • Profil Syarikat
  • Kepakaran Ahli dan Pengalaman


  • Latar Belakang Pengusaha, Nama, Alamat, telefon
  • Pengalaman
  • Kelulusan akademik
  • Kepakaran
  • Kursus dan latihan ( peserta diwajibkan menghadiri kursus berkaitan sebelum pembiayaan diluluskan)



  • Diuruskan sendiri oleh pengusaha; atau
  • Project Management Consultant (PMC)
  • Kakitangan pengurusan
  • Pengalaman/kepakaran
  • Jawatan dalam Bahagian/Agensi
  • Struktur organisasi

4.1)Analisis Pemasaran

  • Ramalan jualan – perlu buat analisis pelanggan, pasaran dan perkhidmatan
  • Kaji arah aliran pasaran dalam industri
  • Mengukur saiz pasaran
  • Pesaing

4.2) Ramalan Jualan

4.3) Strategi Pemasaran

  • Strategi pemasaran secara keseluruhan spt bagaimana menghadapi pesaing dari segi kualiti, harga, lokasi, imej dan sebagainya
  • Contract farming/manufacturing

4.4) Strategi Perkhidmatan

  • Faktor-faktor yang boleh menarik pelanggan

4.5) Strategi Harga

  • Penentuan harga
  • Tawaran harga dan sebagainya

4.6) Strategi Pengedaran

  • Cara pengedaran dibuat
  • Kos-kos terlibat
  • Rancangan jangka pendek dan panjang jualan tersebut

4.7) Strategi Promosi

  • Teknik-teknik promosi yang dijalankan

4.8) Belanjawan Pemasaran


  • Perkhidmatan/produk ditawarkan
  • Proses operasi
  • Keupayaan operasi
  • Senarai bahan mentah (jika ada)
  • Pembekal bahan mentah / sumber produk
  • Khidmat sokongan / bantuan daripada agensi
  • Senarai pekerja terlibat


Rancangan kewangan akan memastikan sejauhmana kebenaran andaian/ramalan yang dibuat dalam pasaran, jualan dan kos-kos terlibat. Ramalan/andaian yang dibuat perlu realistik supaya ianya boleh digunakan untuk menilai dayamaju projek dan juga sebagai alat kawalan belanjawan. Rancangan kewangan merangkumi:

  • Kos projek – kos tetap / kos berubah
  • Sumber pembiayaan
  • Sendiri daripada peserta
  • Pembiayaan dari pihak2 lain (contoh TEKUN)
  • Profoma aliran tunai – bulanan dan tahunan ( 3 – 5 tahun)
  • Profoma penyata pendapatan – tahunan (3 – 5 tahun)
  • Analisis ROI / pay back period


  • Tunjukkan peringkat-peringkat perlaksanaan projek




  • Cagaran / Penjamin
  • Kajian Teknikal / Pengesahan Jabatan/Agensi Kerajaan
  • Cadangan pengurangan risiko projek

Bahagian ini merupakan kesimpulan atau rumusan yang memberi gambaran yang menyeluruh mengenai perniagaan yang dijalankan. Pengusaha juga boleh memberi sebarang maklumat sokongan lain yang boleh memberi justifikasi mengenai daya maju perniagaan pengusaha.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Should you buy your laundry supply in bundle?

If you run your own laundry business, you would realize that you would need to replenish the followings quite often :
1) Detergent (for normal wash or dry clean)
2) Softeners
3) Hanging plastics
4) Dry cleaning plastics
5) Hangers

Some tips that we can share with you is to
1) Buy them in bundle, so that you save the travelling cost to the shop
2) or make a deal with the supplier to send them to your shop. Typically a supplier would have a price cap before they are willing to make such trip as the margin for selling laundry supply is not much. So it will be a lost to them to send you the stuff if it costs less than RM100 or so.(this vary from one supplier to another, and based on how far you are from his shop too)
3) you should not stock up so long as some of the fragrants in detergents may get evaporated, thus your customer may start complaining that the washed laundries smell bad.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Have you been paying attention to the care symbols in your garments?

Care Label Symbols are required by law for your information to help you make informed garment purchase decisions. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires manufacturers to attach a permanent label to textile garments that provides directions for their care. According to law, manufacturers and importers must list at least one method of safe care for a garment. It also requires that the label must be easily found and that it will remain legible during the garment's useful life. The label must warn about any part of the recommended care method that would harm the garment or other garments being laundered or dry cleaned with it. It must also warn when there is no method for cleaning a gaarment without damaging it.

Especially for dryclean symbols, you would need to pay special attention to send your garments for dry clean to avoid damages done to it. From our experience, if you try to hand wash gently at home these type of garments, the color may run and the shape may change.
For Wet Cleaning, before a garment undergone machine wash, it will first be inspected to remove stains. This process is called "spotting". A garment is chemically cleaned only in the areas where spots are noticeable. Spot cleaning is performed if a small area has a stain which can range from food stains, oil, ink to name a few.Spot cleaning is accomplished on a stain removal board with special brush and appropriate stain removal agents as necessary.

What is the difference between wet cleaning and dry cleaning?

What is Dry Cleaning?
Dry cleaning is a method of removing stains and dirt from garments and fabric by using little or no water. Actually, dry cleaning is not "dry" as solvents, or liquids, are used to perform the cleaning, but with little water thus the term "dry".

Wet Cleaning and Dry Cleaning : What is the differences?
Dry cleaning means your garments are immersed or machine "washed" in a solvent mixture designed to prevent harm to natural fibers such as silk and wool. After the cleaning, the solvent is extracted taking the soil with it. Clothes are then dried and pressed. On the other hand, wet cleaning may be a solvent-and-water process, or water-and-commercial detergent. Again, the clothes are dried and then pressed.

Why choose wet cleaning over dry cleaning?
Professional wetcleaning is an important and increasingly popular service offered by clothes cleaners for the solvent-free care of garments.Professional wetcleaners have specialized equipment, skills and training to safely clean in water those garments previously cleaned in chemical solvents. Professional wetcleaning requires a range of techniques and technologies such as computer-controlled washers and dryers, the use of special soaps and conditions, and knowledge of fabrics and fibers.

As part of our initiatives of finding an alternative to clothes cleaning the Islamic way, we found out the approach of doing wet cleaning is much more preferred. First the usage of water and solvent-free detergent gives a peace of mind to the Islamic consumers. Moreover, wetcleaning is beneficial as it does not produce chemical smell, whiter whites, easier to remove water-based stains and some items come out cleaner. Wetcleaning is environmentally safer than traditional drycleaning for employees, for customers and for communities

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